Monday, November 28, 2011


Pacing is the rate of movement or tempo.  We know "pacing" as walking back and forth.  Well thats the true meaning. "A step made in walking a stride". Pacing can also mean the even spreading out of  strength or time, for example in a longer-distance track and field race , so that they don't burn themselves out. To keep a steady time

Runners pace so that they don't burn themselves out.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thinking Outside the Box

When comparing Plato and Satre, they both created a story that shows how us humans think.  Plato uses a cave to represent what we think reality really is, but he says were wrong.  He also uses shackels to represent the thoughts that hold us back from "real" reality. For example in everyday life, people use the internet.  They search for a specific thing. And whatever they read, they believe it is true. In Satre's story, he tells a tory of 3 people in a room that is supposed to be hell.  This makes people think, because everyone thinks hell is a place full of fire and where the devil tortures you.

Folk Tale

A story passed on by word of the mouth.  They usually start with "Once upon a time" or a similar phrase like that. Magic events, characters, and objects are part of the story. Usually the charcters consist of a royalty (king or queen), an antagonist and a protagonist. And it usually ends with "they lived happily ever after".
A folk tale is a story or legend handed down from generation to generation usually by oral retelling. Folk tales often explain something that happens in nature or convey a certain truth about life.

Sleeping Beauty is an example of a falk tale

Search Myself

Singer artist

NFL player

I searched my name on the internet and these two people have the same name as me.  I didnt' find myself just using the name "Patrick Sims". But by typing "Patrick Sims Santa Maria Tennis" I found a picture of me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Literature Analysis 3

1984 by George Orwell

Thye year is 1984 and the main character, Winston Smith lives in London which is located in the country of Oceania. The world is divided into 3 main countries or parts: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia.  A group called the "party" controls everything in Oceania.  Everywhere Smith goes, the party can see him.  The party even controls the history and language of the country. They try to invent a new language called Newspeak which tries to get rid of every word that has to involve with politcal stuff.  Throughout the stroy Winston Smith tries to get rid of the party once and for all.

One of the themes of the story is similar to what we have been learning in class this whole year. The theme is technology can help but also hurt us. By using technology, the party can see everyone in the city.

The tone of 1984 is both happy and depressing at times.  It seems as if George Orwell tries to have you experience what Winston is experiencing throught the book.  Both the high points and the low points.

George Orwell uses Symbolism, Imagery and Allegorys.  When Winston drinks and smokes cigarettes, it symbolizes his way of excaping the "party".  The red armed prole woman represents freedom.  Everytime she sings Winston can see hope for the future.  "Big Brother" is the face of the party, he acts as reassurance and a trustworthy entity for many of the people. "The place where there is no darkness" is what Winston imagines in his dreams, it symbolizes Winstons fate.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The BIG question

Has the internet changed the way we act and think compared to B.I. (before internet)??

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Performative Utterance

Performative utterance, which is Austin’s terminology, is a sentence that does something in the world rather than describing something about it or, in Austin’s own words, “refers to those sentences which conform to the old prejudice in that they are used to describe or state something.”  Although Austin specifically left out drama when he originally formulated his theory, later analysts contended that the performance utterance is a significant component of drama.  There are many examples of performative utterance throughout the play “Hamlet” such as Hamlet’s “to be or not to be” soliloquy and it is used to show the emotions of characters towards other characters.  His soliloquy basically brings about a state of mind or affair rather than straight up describing one.  Hamlet’s soliloquies involve him talking to himself about his ideas and thoughts of other characters and situations; demanding action from others.  Shakespeare uses performative utterance through Hamlet’s speeches that impact all of the characters and the plot because we get to hear his interpretation and feelings about everybody else.
            Hamlet has many soliloquies that have performative utterance in “Hamlet” the play.  His most famous one is “to be or not to be”.  It brings Hamlet’s state of mind, his thoughts and feelings of the characters and whether he should commit suicide or stay alive and kill Claudius, rather than explaining his thoughts.  According to De Poer “Hamlet is a character of almost unique power… nonetheless proceeds through the majority of the narrative largely impotent to enact his revenge.”  This means that the audience has the opportunity to see what Hamlet’s thoughts are about the other characters and his plot for revenge just through his speech, even without any actual action.  The audience has the opportunity to think through a course of action that may or may not really occur. Shakespeare uses the performative utterance in the form of Hamlet’s soliloquy to portray two separate plans of action.  Hamlet through his soliloquies describes his plot to seek revenge by murdering Claudius.  The actual action of the play differs greatly from that described by Hamlet
            Hamlet’s speeches involve action and the command for action by others.  It shows his sense of action and revenge when he explains he wants to kill Claudius for what he did to his father.  Hamlet’s speeches impact the whole story, because we get to see the characters and the plot according to Hamlet.  When I read Hamlet’s speeches I get to understand the characters in a different way, and I get to view the plot according to one of the characters, Hamlet.
            Though not a term used in his day, Shakespeare’s  use of performative utterance has a big impact in “Hamlet”.  Through Hamlet’s soliloquies we are exposed to his inner thoughts and feelings.  His soliloquies are examples of perfromative utterance because it shows his state of mind instead of actually straight up describing one.

I changed the thesis and addressed the promt.  I wasn't sure what else to do.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hamlet vs Beowulf

Since the start of our civilization we have recognized language as a important tool to control people.  In the plays of Hamlet by Shakespeare and Beowulf, the authors use different languages to describe the characters thoughts and feelings.  In Hamlet, the language is used to control other characters and to achieve their own goals.  In Beowulf the author uses different literary techniques like metaphors and aliterations to show the characters point of views.

In Hamlet's "to be or not to be" soliloquy, Hamlet is trying to decide whether to kill himself or to not and kill Claudius.  Shakespeare uses these soliloquies to show Hamlet's thoughts and feelings towards other characters and the plot itself.  Hamlet is a weak minded person who doesn't make up his mind very well.  Beowulf is different in that he is very strong minded and will not change his mind no matter what the curcumstances are.

“Beowulf got ready, donned his war-gear, indifferent to death; his mighty, hand-forged, fine-webbed mail, would soon meet with the menace underwater.”  This quote towards  the end of Beowulf shows that Beowulf is a fearless man who will not change his decisions.  Hamlet is different.  He is known to change his mind, as we can see in his soliloquies.

In both plays, language influenced the characters and plot.  Shakespeare showed Hamlet's feelings through soliloquies.  Hamlet was affected by his own self doings.  Beowulf was affected by the other characters actions and would not stop until he accomplished his goal.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Major Concept

The major concept that I have learned this year is how to use technology to benefit my life.  By using social media website, I can meet and reunite with people from all over the world.  I also learned about filter bubbles and how they are bad and good.  And also memes and how they connect people with the same interests.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Video conference with Roy christopher

In the video conference with Roy Christopher, I learned many new ways to think about technology and the Internet. I wrote down notes on the most interesting Facts about our conference. Roy was very interesting to listen to and I would like to thank him for taking his time to teach us and tell us about the weird world of technology and the internet

Roy started to be interested with the Internet in the 90's
Technology is now part of everyday life. It can help us but it can also destroy us
He was first interested in BMx but changed to technology and the internet. He wrote a book about his new love
Roy loves the mixture of cultures within the Internet
Roy does not have a smart phone. He enjoys going home to find new emails and messages